minimally invasive surgery

Urological surgery
Visceral surgery

Welcome to the PAN Klinik

Your health takes centre stage here –
as an outpatient and inpatient

Optimal medical care

The PAN Klinik is a privately run clinic with 25 affiliated specialist departments, two main operating departments, a day clinic and hospital rooms with a total of 49 licensed beds. Our experienced specialists work closely together to provide you with the best possible medical care for both private and statutory health insurance patients. This enables us to offer you interdisciplinary advice, diagnosis and treatment, even for complex medical conditions.


Experienced team

Get to know doctors who focus on you and your individual medical needs. With many years of experience, a high level of expertise and a great deal of empathy, our team will accompany you on your treatment journey. We are always open to your questions and concerns and will advise you as equals.


Integrated care

We perform many common operations, for example in the fields of gynaecology, orthopaedics, urology, neurosurgery or surgery, as part of integrated care. If there is a corresponding co-operation with your health insurance company, the procedure is straightforward: you visit a doctor at the PAN Clinic for a diagnosis. If there is an indication for integrated care, your operation can be performed within 14 days.


Assured quality

Patients reveal how satisfied they are with the services provided by the PAN Clinic in regular surveys. So that you can get a well-founded picture of our sustainable quality management, we have made our current quality report available online – you are welcome to read everything in detail!


For your health
we do our best

Quick contact

Zeppelinstr. 1
50667 Cologne

Phone 0221 2776-100
Fax 0221 2776-611

Opening hours

Mon.: 7.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Tue.:  7.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Wed.:  7.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Thurs.: 7.00 - 20.00 Uhr
Fri.:  7.00 - 20.00 Uhr
and by appointment

Current information evenings

Dear patients,

our information events have been cancelled until further notice. 
We ask for your understanding.

Your team at the PAN Klinik

Awards & certificates